
Let's Do Something!

Where Is The Love?

February 19, 2023 • Pastor Bartholomew Orr • Luke 9

“Let’s Do Something!” (Luke 9:37-43 NLT) What an Indictment against the disciples then and the Church today – The Inability to Solve a Problem.  We have more WORDS than WINS; more TALK than TRANSFORMATIONS; more ACCOLADES than ACCOMPLISHMENTS.  Can you feel the frustration of this father in Luke 9:40, “I begged Your disciples to cast out the spirit, but they couldn’t do it.”  Even when it comes to the issues affecting our youth today - Teenage Pregnancy – Gang Recruitment/Involvement – Gun Violence and Senseless Killings – Poverty and Hopelessness – Drugs and Alcohol Addiction – too often the report – “They couldn’t do it.”      Since Jesus has given the Church More than Enough to do ministry, Let’s Do Something!