
Who's Buttering Your Bread?

Where Is The Love?

February 26, 2023 • Pastor Bartholomew Orr • Mark 8:11–17

Who’s Buttering Your Bread?” (Mark 8:11-17 NLT) They didn’t get it!  They just didn’t get it!  After everything Jesus did, they still questioned His identity, doubted His ability, argued His authority, debated His Sovereignty, and even contested His credibility.  No, this wasn’t just outsiders but even His insiders, His own disciples.  What would it take for them to simply BELIEVE?  What would it take for them to put their total FAITH in Jesus Christ?  That is what “frustrated” Jesus – notice the movement of back and forth - He feeds a multitude on the east side and go to the west side only to be met by Unbelieving Pharisees troubling Him for a test – NO (vv.12-13) – then He gets back in the boat with doubting Disciples who’s arguing over one loaf of bread.  And Jesus asked the question, “Don’t you understand yet? (v.21)”  Since even the FAITH to believe is a Gift from God, thank Him for what you have and trust Him for even more