
How To Embrace the Unknown and Make the Most of It!

Week 4

July 3, 2022 • Eric Dubach • 1 Peter 2:11–12, Hebrews 11, Romans 12:1–2, Genesis 12

We often believe that faith is simply agreeing to a certain set of theological or doctrinal statements. We call ourselves Christians when we agree with biblically-based doctrine, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we’re living by faith. In today’s message, we’ll discover that faith invariably means we have to leave something behind in order to move towards something new. It means we have to drop what we have in order to grasp what we don’t yet have. It means we leave what’s familiar and comfortable to embrace the unknown. Abraham’s faith was defined like this and his story encourages us to do the same.move towards something new.

More from Hebrews 11