
03 Legacy - The battle Belongs to the Lord

September 18, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • 1 Samuel 17:1–31

Have you ever found yourself facing what seemed like, in the moment, impossible odds? What thoughts went through your mind? Was it things like, am I strong enough, smart enough, or healthy enough to handle this? Do I have enough money in the bank to weather this storm? How am I going to fix this problem?

We all face giants in life but our text this week makes it clear that to be in Christ means that we have a champion who fights for us, yet, we have to do our part. David will show us what that looks like as we see him face his giant in the name of the Lord.

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07 Legacy - Guard Your Heart

October 16, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • 2 Samuel 11

We live in an age where sexual sin is rapidly being erased as a category of sin. It's in the air that we breathe and it's wreaking havoc on lives, marriages, and ministries. This week we will look at David's sin with Bathsheba. It's a dark chapter in his life that was the product of an unguarded and unbound heart that led to sin compounding on sin to devastating effect. This is obviously a sensitive topic for younger attenders. We will keep our consideration at a PG level but parents of younger children may want to watch this first and decide if they want their younger children to view the message. If so, a family discussion about the message after it has finished is advised.

11 Legacy - A Heart to Worship

November 20, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Psalm 65

It is a truism to say that everyone worships someone or something and what we worship shapes the trajectory of our life. Therefore, what we worship has a direct connection to the legacy we leave for others. David was a man who, despite his struggles and imperfections, had a heart to worship our God. This week, as we anticipate Thanksgiving, we will consider David's legacy of worship as preserved for us in Psalm 65. It is our prayer that you would build your life on right worship that will inspire others and lead them to Christ.

12 Legacy - The Importance of Finishing Well

November 27, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • 1 Kings 2:1–4

This week marks the conclusion of our fall series that has sought to answer this one question, "What is the true measure of a life?" Our model for this weighty consideration has been king David who has proven to be a truly complex human being. That's good news for us, because we tend to be complex human beings and yet his life is proof that it's possible to please God in life and in death. It is our prayer that this brief series will equip each of us to do the very same thing with the one brief life we've been given to live.