April 23, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • Hebrews 10:24–25
This week we discussed the importance to challenge one another for the mission of Jesus
Christ. The message was personalized to discuss how CADRES help us at BRAVE to connect
with others for the purpose of obedience and mission. Throughout the message the 3 thirds
format was clarified for how we will make disciples who are growing in obedience that
results in mission. As BRAVE takes its next step of faith To Challenge BRAVE Warriors for
Courageous Kingdom Advancement, we invite you to connect with other believers to fulfill
Christ’s calling in you. When it comes to the mission of Jesus Christ this is what you were
created for and what you are being called to do. May the Lord bless you as you continue to
take your next steps of faith.
Five Keys for Gospel Success
April 16, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • 1 Peter 3:15
This week we discussed the Good News of the Gospel and how to be successful in sharing the message of Christ. So often as believers, the message of the Gospel is in our hearts but we neglect our duty to serve Christ as His ambassador. However, sometimes the reason we are not involved in Gospel ministry is simply because we either don’t know how to share it or falsely believe we are not ready. Often we have seen other people share the Gospel and we think we will not be able to do that or they are not the model for what we want to become. Either way, we neglect our responsibility to share Christ with others. Therefore, it is imperative that we look at God’s Word and learn how to be ready to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our own temperament and personality. Throughout this week’s message we laid a foundation for the Gospel and 5 keys for how to share it. May the words of this week’s message be an encouragement to you.
What Does Jesus Want?
March 26, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • Luke 10:1–24
This week we continued our series entitled The Kingdom Invasion. First, we studied the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and His ministry here on the earth. Next, we looked at His powerful ministry over demons, disease and even death. We then saw how Jesus Christ did not just do ministry Himself, but delegated ministry to His twelve apostles who He instructed to do exactly what He was doing. Most Christians agree to these truths and even celebrate them. This week, however, we studied how Jesus Christ did not just stop with the 12 but appointed 70 others (perhaps 72 in your translation) and sent them out to do exactly what He had sent the 12 to do. This demonstrates that Jesus was not just using the twelve but was also using normal, anonymous saints. The implications of this truth are important for us to understand because Jesus Christ still wants to use His Church to do the exact same things that He did during His earthly ministry. May the truths of this week’s message and the application of God’s Word grow your joy in Christ as you live on mission for Him.
The Training of the Twelve
March 19, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • Matthew 10
This week we studied Matthew 10 and leaned about Jesus Christ’s first commissioning of the Twelve and the way in which He taught His apostles. Often, we read the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and falsely think that Jesus is now sending them out on mission for the very first time. However, upon further review we learn that He has been training and sending them all along. This week we studied four ways that He trained His twelve disciples. We learned that He had been asking them to pray to the Lord to send out workers into His field. We saw that He was asking them to pray so that they would be prepared to go. The fields are always ripe unto harvest, but the problem has always been that there are not enough people willing to go. Studying this passage should motivate you to not just learn the Word but to be ready to be sent by the Lord. May this week’s message encourage you to stay on mission.
Christ’s Power and Authority
March 12, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • Mark 5
This week we continued our series, entitled The Kingdom Invasion, by studying three powerful stories in Mark 5. Throughout the text we learned how Jesus Christ has authority and power over demons, disease and even death. As a believer, knowing about the authority and power of Christ helps us as we share the Gospel and as we grow in sanctification. Instead of looking at our problems or earthly solutions, God calls us to focus completely on Him. As circumstances cause you to feel desperate, act in faith and look to Jesus Christ. May this study on the life of Christ be an encouragement to you as you continue to walk with Him.
Jesus Christ's Unique Ministry
March 5, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • Mark 1
This week we started a new series entitled, The Kingdom Invasion. We began this series by looking at Mark Chapter 1 and seeing ten of the reasons why the ministry of Jesus Christ was very unique. These ten words demonstrate that there is no one like our God. As we prepare for Easter, we will continue to not only see how Jesus did ministry but how he invited us to do ministry in the same way as He modeled for us. Throughout the history of the Church, we have sometimes veered off course at times and missed God’s best for us. While we can talk about missions, evangelism, and discipleship we sometimes do a better job of talking about it rather than living the life of a disciple. However, we know that “the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power” (1 Corinthians 4:20). As we continue to journey with Christ may we become more aware of how to minister the way that Jesus Christ is encouraging us to do it. May this week’s message open your heart to how Jesus’ ministry was accomplished and how we can follow His methodology.