
Meeting for a Mission

April 23, 2023 • Dr. Jeff Schwarzentraub • Hebrews 10:24–25

This week we discussed the importance to challenge one another for the mission of Jesus

Christ. The message was personalized to discuss how CADRES help us at BRAVE to connect

with others for the purpose of obedience and mission. Throughout the message the 3 thirds

format was clarified for how we will make disciples who are growing in obedience that

results in mission. As BRAVE takes its next step of faith To Challenge BRAVE Warriors for

Courageous Kingdom Advancement, we invite you to connect with other believers to fulfill

Christ’s calling in you. When it comes to the mission of Jesus Christ this is what you were

created for and what you are being called to do. May the Lord bless you as you continue to

take your next steps of faith.