
Paul Reviewed with the Elders

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

August 25, 2024 • Roger Skepple • Acts 20:17–38

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (36)

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (18:23-21:16) (7)

5. The Journey to Jerusalem (20:7-21:16)

a. The Layover in Troas (20:7-12)

b. The Layover in Mileus (20:13-38)

1) From Troas to Miletus (20:13-16)

2) Paul’s Farewell to the Elders of Ephesus (20:17-38)

a) Paul Called for the Elders (20:17)

b) Paul Reviewed with the Elders (20:18-24)

(1) His Ministry in Ephesus Recalled (20:18-21)

(a) His Connection to Them (20:18b-d)

(b) His Disposition in Serving Them (20:19)

(c) His Determination in

Teaching (20:20)

● shrink from draw back, retreat

● declaring various type of communication

● profitable helpful, beneficial or advantageous

(d) His Serious Message (20:21)

● solemnly testifying to adjure, earnestly beg, grave, emphatic declaration

(2) His Future Plans Reviewed (20:22-


(a) His Intention (20:22a-b)

(b) His Expectations (20:22c-23)

(c) His Resolve (20:24)

(I) The Focus of His Resolve (20:24a)

● life soul

● dear precious

(ii) The Purpose of His Resolve (20:24b-

c) 2 ● finish completing or

perfecting something

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