
The Elder's Duty Described

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

September 8, 2024 • Roger Skepple • Acts 20:17–28

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (38)

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (18:23-21:16) (9)

2) Paul’s Farewell to the Elders of Ephesus (20:17-38)

a) Paul Called for the Elders (20:17)

b) Paul Reviewed with the Elders (20:18-24)

c) Paul Admonished the Elder (20:25-35)

(1) In Light of His Departure (20:25)

(2) In Light of His Service/Ministry (20:26-27)

(3) In Light of Their Duty (20:28-32)

(a) Their Duty Described (20:28-30)

(b) The Sphere of Their Duty (20:28b1-2)

(c) The Peculiarities of Their Duty (20:28b3


(1) Arranged by the Holy Spirit (20:28b3-8)

! The elder, who is also an overseer, is gifted by the

Holy Spirit with the ability to teach.

! The elder, who is also a pastor, is part of the gift

given to the church by Jesus Christ.

(2) Intended for Oversight (20:28b9)

! overseer (episkopos) bishop

(3) Intended to Shepherd (20:28c-d)

(a) The Duty of Shepherding (20:28c)

! shepherd to tend a flock

! Jesus is the Shepherd

! Jesus Appointed Human Shepherds

! pastor (poimenas) shepherd, sheep-


(b) The Context of Shepherding (20:28d)

! An Assembly

" church (ekklesia) assembly

! An Assembly of God

! An Assembly Purchased by God

" purchase preserve, reserve;

acquire, bring about, effect

! Elders are part of the church not simply over the church.

! True biblical preaching is based in instruction.

! There are not levels of ordination.

! Official offices of the church should be limited to biblically identifiable categories.

! Elder, overseer, and pastor are three terms which describe the same person

! The assembly headed up by these individuals is God’s not their’s.

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