
The Uprising in Ephesus

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

August 4, 2024 • Roger Skepple • Acts 19:21–41

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (33)

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (18:23-21:16) (4)

3. The Outreach in Ephesus (19:1-20:1)

a. The Consolidation of Previous Ministry (19:1-7)

b. The Forging of New Ministry (19:8-19)

Progress Report #6 (19:20)

c. Parenthesis: Paul’s Future Ministry Plans (19:21-22)

1) The Plans (19:21)

a) Short-term (Jerusalem) (19:21a-b)

b) Long-term (Rome) (19:21c)

! purposed to place, lay or appoint; to make

2) The Groundwork (19:22)

d. The Uprising in Ephesus (19:23-41)

1) The Summary of It (19:23)

2) The Basis of It (19:24-27)

a) The Instigator of the Discord: Demetrius (19:24)

b) The Fomenting of the Discord (19:25-27)

(1) The Nature of Their Livelihood (19:25)

(2) The Impact of Christianity on Their Livelihood (19:26)

(3) The Impact of Christianity on Their Religion (19:27)

3) The Uprising Itself (19:28-34)

a) The Riot’s Beginnings (19:28-29)

b) Parenthesis: Paul is Restrained from Engaging (19:30-31)

c) The Riot’s Escalation (19:32-34)

4) The Diffusion of It (19:35-41)

a) The Town Clerk Made a Logical Appeal (19:35-36)

b) The Town Clerk Made a Legal Appeal (19:37-39)

c) The Town Clerk Made a Political/Civic Appeal (19:40)

d) The Town Clerk Exercised His Authority (19:41)

“All cities worship Artemis of Ephesus and individuals hold her honor above all the gods. The reason, in my view, is the renown of the Amazons who traditionally dedicated the image, also the extreme antiquity of this sanctuary. Three points as well have contributed to her renown, the size of the temple, surpassing all other buildings among humans, the eminence of the city of the Ephesians and the renown of the goddess who dwells there” (Witherington, pg. 587).

“Asiarchs were the leading men of the province, members of of the noblest and wealthiest local families who among other things were current or former holders of important offices in the league of Asian cities, and more importantly it appears from their ranks was annually elected the high priests of the imperial cult. Their main task was to promote the cult of the emperor and Roma, and secure allegiance to Rome” (Witherington pg. 595)

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