
Extraordinary Miracles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

June 30, 2024 • Roger Skepple • Acts 19:12–22

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (32)

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (18:23-21:16) (3)

The Validity of Blessed Objects

! Survey

" As Identified in the Old Testament

" As Identified in the New Testament

! Evaluated

3. The Outreach in Ephesus (19:1-20:1)

a. The Consolidation of Previous Ministry (19:1-7)

b. The Forging of New Ministry (19:8-20)

1) It was Comprehensive (19:8-10)

2) It was Miraculous (19:11-17)

a) In Support of Paul (19:11-12)

! miracles works or manifestations of power

! extraordinary unusual, not normal

b) In Defense of Paul (19:13-16)

! to name over = to name the name

c) In the Glory of God (19:17)

! magnified to make long or to make large

3) It was Transformative (19:18-19)

! confessing to affirm, to say the same thing

! disclosing to bring back word or announce

Progress Report #6 (19:20)

! The progress of the church is tied to the Word of God.

! The progress of the church is tied to the progress of God’s Word

" growing mightily progress, advancement, increase

" prevailing to be capable, to be able or strong

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