
The Nature of the Christian Message (Part e)

1 Cor 2:10-13

March 7, 2021 • Roger Skepple

The Center of the Christian Message
An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 1-2 (Part 19)

The Nature of the Christian Message (Part 5)

The Christian Fallacy of Blessing
● Blessing Misunderstood
● Blessing Rightly Understood

I. The Character of Our Message (2:6-9)
II. The Revelation of Our Message (2:10-13)
A. The Necessity of the Spirit (2:10-11)
1. Stated (2:10a)
a. God’s Work
● revealed (apokalupto) kalupto cover, envelop, hide
apo- uncover, expose, reveal
b. The Objects of God’s Work
c. The Agent of God’s Work