
The Nature of the Christian Message (Part g)

1 Cor 2:14

March 21, 2021 • Roger Skepple

The Center of the Christian Message
An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 1-2 (Part 21)

The Nature of the Christian Message (Part 7)

God has Spoken
● God Can be Known
● God Wants to be Known

I. The Character of Our Message (2:6-9)
II. The Revelation of Our Message (2:10-13)
III. The Comprehension of Our Message (2:14-16)
A. The Natural Man: Rejects Our Message (2:14)
1. The Fact of His Rejection (2:14a)
● natural (psychikos) belonging to the natural world
● accept grasp, take hold of
2. The Reason for His Reaction (2:14b-d)
a. They are Valueless (2:14b)
● foolishness (moraine) deficiency
b. They are Incomprehensible (2:14c-d)
1. Due to His Nature (2:14c)
● understand recognize, perceive
● cannot (dunamai) to be able, to have power
2. Due to Its Nature (2:14d)
● appraised investigate, interrogate, scrutinize, sift