
Sharing the Gospel

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

April 28, 2024 • Roger Skepple • Acts 17:22–24

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (27)

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (15:36-18:22) (12)

Sharing the Gospel

! A Fear

! A Pattern

! An Example

7. The Outreach in Athens (17:16-34)

a. Christ against the Philosophies of Men (17:16-21)

b. Christ through the Philosophies of Men (17:22-31)

1) Paul Connected with Them (17:22-23b)

2) Paul Stated His Intention (17:23c)

3) Paul Exposed Their Sin (17:24-29)

4) Paul Introduced Christ (17:30-31)

a) He Called for Immediate Repentance (17:30)

(1) The Need for Repentance (17:30a)

! overlooked look over; to disdain; to disregard

(2) The Call for Repentance (17:30b)

! declaring to command

b) He Warned of Impending Judgement (17:31)

(1) The Judgement (17:31a)

(a) Its Surety (17:31a1-13


! fixed to stand; to be placed, set up;

to establish

! judge to decide; to evaluate

(b) Its Standard (17:31a14-15


! righteousness to live by a standard

(2) The Judge (17:31b-c)

(a) His Status (17:31b)

! appointed to limit; to designate or


(b) His Qualifications (17:31c)

! proof faith, trustworthy, faithful

c. Christ over the Philosophies of Men (17:32-34)

1) The Rejection (17:32)

2) The Acceptance (17:33-34)

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