
Paul Prepared to Defend His Ministry in Corinth

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

May 19, 2024 • Roger Skepple • Acts 18:12–22

The Acts of the Apostles

The Growth and Expansion of the Church to the Ends of the Earth

Acts 13:1-28:31 (29)

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (15:36-18:22) (14)

C. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (15:36-18:22)

8. The Outreach in Corinth (18:1-22)

a. Paul Introduced the Gospel to Corinth (18:1-4)

b. Paul Intensified His Ministry in Corinth (18:5-11)

c. Paul Prepared to Defend His Ministry in Corinth (18:12-17)

1) A Formal Charge was Made to the Proconsul (18:12-13)

a) The Judge (18:12a)

b) The Plaintiff (18:12b)

c) The Charge (18:13)

! persuades incite, seduce, induce, solicit

2) The Proconsul Refused to Hear the Case (18:14-16)

a) The Reason for the Rejection (18:14)

! put up patient with, endure; accept a


b) The Rejection of the Case (18:15-16)

! questions disputes, disagreements

! drove away to move with force

3) The Jews’ Reaction (18:17a-b)

4) The Proconsul’s Reaction (18:17c)

d. Paul Concluded His Corinthian Ministry (18:18-22)

1) Wrap Up in Corinth (18:18)

a) The Time of His Travel (18:18a-b)

b) His Traveling Companions (18:18c)

c) His Spiritual Condition (18:18d-e)

2) Layover in Ephesus (18:19-21)

a) Their Arrival In Ephesus (18:19a-b)

b) Paul’s Brief Ministry in Ephesus (18:19c-21)

(1) Its Nature (18:19c-d)

(2) Its Impact (18:20-21)

3) Arrival in Antioch (18:22)

Gallio Junius Gallio

5 BC to AD 65

Proconsul of Achaea in AD 51

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