
Viewing Sickness Biblically

Philippians 2:25-30

February 2, 2014 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline

The Book of Philippians

Paul’s Update on Timothy and Epaphroditus:

Two Examples of Gospel Living(2:19-30) (Part 7)

Epaphroditus: A Man of Undying Sacrifice (2:25-30) (Part B)

Leaders Worth Following (Part 7)

IV. Paul’s Update on Timothy and Epaphroditus: Two Examples of Gospel Living (2:19-

A. Timothy: A Man of Faithful Commitment (2:19-24)

B. Epaphroditus: A Man of Undying Sacrifice (2:25-30)

1. Paul Described His Intent for Epaphroditus (2:25-28)

a. His Plan for Epaphroditus (2:25)

b. His Reasons for This Plan (2:26-28)

1) Epaphroditus’ Concern for the Philippians (2:26-27)

a) His Affection for Them (2:26a)

● longing to long for or desire (intensified)

b) His Concern about Them (2:26b-27)

● The Fact of Illness

● The Origin of Illness

(1) The Concern His Illness Would Have Caused (2:26b)

● sick weakness, feeble, inept; sickness

(2) The Severity of His Illness (2:27)

(a) It Brought Him to the Brink of Death (2:27a)

(b) It was Overcome by God’s Mercy (2:27b-d)

Principle 1: As Christians we ought to be seriously concerned about each other’s life
challenging illnesses and should inform the church of our health issues.

Principle 2: The righteous are not immune to illness, even of a serious nature.

Principles 3: The Bible does not advocate for our deny the believer’s use of medical
means of healing, it only tells the believer to look to God as the ultimate source of