
Healing and the Glory of God

Philippians 2:25-30

February 9, 2014 • Roger Skepple

Message Outline

The Book of Philippians

Paul’s Update on Timothy and Epaphroditus:

Two Examples of Gospel Living(2:19-30) (Part 8)

Epaphroditus: A Man of Undying Sacrifice (2:25-30) (Part C)

Leaders Worth Following (Part 8)

● The Universal Fact of Illness

Principle 1: As Christians we ought to be seriously concerned about each other’s life challenging illnesses and should inform the church of our health issues.

Principle 2: The righteous are not immune to illness, even of a serious nature.

Principles 3: The Bible does not advocate for our deny the believer’s use of medical means of healing, it only tells the believer to look to God as the ultimate source of healing.

● The Biblical Use of Medical Means in Healing

B. Epaphroditus: A Man of Undying Sacrifice (2:25-30)

1. Paul Described His Intent for Epaphroditus (2:25-28)

a. His Plan for Epaphroditus (2:25)

b. His Reasons for This Plan (2:26-28)

1) Epaphroditus’ Concern for the Philippians (2:26-27)

a) His Affection for Them (2:26a)

b) His Concern about Them (2:26b-27)

(1) The Concern His Illness Would Have Caused (2:26b)

(2) The Severity of His Illness (2:27)

(a) It Brought Him to the Brink of Death (2:27a)

(b) It was Overcome by God’s Mercy (2:27b-d)

(i) God’s Mercy on Epaphroditus (2:27b)

(a) The Meaning of Mercy

(b) The Implications of Mercy to Healing

(ii) God’s Mercy on Paul (2:27c-d)

● sorrow referred to a physical or
psychological pain

2) Paul’s Concern for the Philippians (2:28)

a) Paul’s Disposition towards Epaphroditus’ Return (2:28a)

b) Paul’s Purpose for Epaphroditus’ Return (2:28b-c)

(1) The Joy of the Philippians (2:28b)

(2) The Concern of the Philippians (2:28c)

Principle 4: The fault for a lack of healing is not necessarily to be found within the
believer themselves.

Principle 5: The fact that mercy was the basis of the healing indicated that Paul,
who had the gift of healings, could not guarantee the healing.

Principle 6: The healing itself is never the focus of the act of mercy that the healing
requires, but the response of the righteous to God.