
The Gospel Revealed in the Composition of the Church (Part c)

1 Cor 1:30-31

November 29, 2020 • Roger Skepple

The Center of the Christian Message
An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 1-2 (Part 9)

The Gospel and the Composition of the Church (Part 3)

Christ, Our Amen

God’s Answer to Disunity – The Gospel
I. The Gospel Revealed in the Design of God (1:18-25)
II. The Gospel Revealed in the Composition of the Church (1:26-31)
A. The Character of the Composition (1:26-29)
1. The Composition Itself (1:26)
2. The Methodology Behind It (1:27-28)
3. The Reason for It (1:29)
B. The Benefits of the Composition (1:30-31)
1. The Source of the Benefits (1:30a)
● by His doing = from or out of Him
● “from or out of Him you yourself are in Christ Jesus”
2. The Benefits (1:30b)
a. Wisdom from God (1:30b1-7)
● “But out of Him you yourself are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, that is, righteousness and sanctification, and redemption” (1:30).
b. Made Righteous by God (1:30b8-9)
c. Set Aside for God (1:30b10-11)
● sanctified ➤ holy ➤ separation/distinction ➤ purification/consecration
d. Ransomed by God (1:30b12-13)
● redemption release, liberate, or set free
3. The Consequence (1:31)