
The Gospel Revealed in the Ministry of the Apostle Paul (Part b)

1 Cor 2:2

January 10, 2021 • Roger Skepple

The Center of the Christian Message

An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 1-2 (Part 11)
The Gospel and the Ministry of the Apostle Paul (Part 2)

God’s Answer to Disunity – The Gospel
I. The Gospel Revealed in the Design of God (1:18-25)
II. The Gospel Revealed in the Composition of the Church (1:26-31)
III. The Gospel Revealed in the Ministry of the Apostle Paul (2:1-5)
A. Christ: The Content of our Message (2:1-2)
1. The Time of the Message (2:1a)
2. The Void within the Message (2:1b)
3. The Authority behind the Message (2:1c)
4. The Nature of the Message (2:2)
a. It is All Encompassing (2:2a)
● determine prefer, examine, decide,


● know comprehend, understand
b. It is Christological (2:2b)
1) Jesus Christ (2:2b 1-3 )
a) Jesus, the Subject of the Bible
b) Jesus, the Way to the Father
c) Jesus, the Concern of Trinity
2) Jesus Christ, Crucified (2:2b 4-6 )
a) The Stigma of the Cross
b) The Meaning of the Cross

(1) The Penal, Substitutionary
Atonement Explained
(2) The Penal, Substitutionary
Atonement Applied