
Leading From the Heart

A lesson on leadership from Moses' sister

January 28, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Up to this point we never see Miriam leading anything.
• Then she was leading all the women, praising God for His mighty act of deliverance.
• Think about Miriam's life - she was the sister of Moses who knew something was special about her brother.
• For 80 years she had been watching what God was doing and seeing her brother as the central figure in their deliverance.
• She was 87 when she led these women - because of what she had experienced she was now leading from the INSIDE-OUT!
• The essence of true leadership comes from within - it's simply the outpouring of who you are.
• Miriam never lost sight of God all those years, and when her faith intersected with God's faithfulness she burst into leadership!
• When you lead from the heart like Miriam there's no such thing as burnout because you've experienced it for yourself.