
Leadership 101

Lessons from 1 Timothy 3

October 15, 2020 • Benham Brothers

* What does it take to be a good leader?
* Paul shares with Timothy the qualifications of a person who could run a church.
* The same qualifications needed to run a non-profit are what are needed to run a for-profit.
* Vs 1-7 - Paul splits his advice into what the leaders SHOULD BE and what they SHOULDN’T BE.
* Here’s what they need to be (vs 2, 4, 5, 7):
* 1) Above reproach (vs 2) - he’s blameless, without having anything in his life that could bring shame to the church. (Like a businessman meeting a woman for biz lunch alone)
* 2) Faithful to his wife (vs 2) - literal translation, “a one-woman man.” His marriage shows you the kind of person he is.
* 3) Temperate (vs 2) - he’s even-keeled. He doesn’t get out of sorts when poop hits the fan. Keeps a cool head (like the gazelle running from a cheetah - it’s brain stays cooler than the cheetah, so he can outrun it).
* 4) Self-controlled (vs 2) - he’s in charge of his Emotions and Appetites. He manages what he feels and controls what he wants.
* 5) Disciplined (vs 2) - the NIV says “respectable,” but the Passion Version says “living a disciplined life.” Discipline leads to delight.
* 6) Hospitable (vs 2) - he likes people and is willing to share what he has with others. Hospital people allow others full access to themselves. They consider their thing your thing.
* 7) Able to Teach (vs 2) - he is able to divulge what he digests. A teacher does the mental heavy lifting for you to process more easily (like Tori pureeing food for our kids).
* 8) Manage his family well (vs 4-5) - your ability as a parent shows more about you than anything else. Your kids obey from the heart, not out of being controlled.
* 9) Worthy of respect (vs 7) - needs a good reputation. He needs to live a life that others admire, even if they don’t agree with him. They respect his stand.
* Here’s what he can’t be (vs 3, 6):
* 1) Given to drunkenness (vs 3) - he’s gotta be able to control his appetite, especially for things that can intoxicate.
* 2) Violent (vs 3) - he’s got to be gentle, not easily riled-up and explosive with his words and deeds. Prov 16:32 - One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty… (Samson)
* 3) Quarrelsome (vs 3) - he can’t be easily agitated, always ready to fight. He must operate out of a position of confidence, not insecurity.
* 4) A lover of money (vs 3) - money can’t have a grip on him. He’s got to be able to see people as people, not dollar signs. He finds his security in God.
* 5) Not a recent convert (vs 6) - he can’t be someone who wants too much influence too fast. He’s gotta be patient to grow slow.