
2 Kings 5:2-4 (7/1/21)

The Power of Testimony

July 1, 2021 • Benham Brothers

* The most powerful weapon in our arsenal is our testimony.
* When things go bad in your life, it’s testimony that pulls you through.
* A testimony is a story of how your faith intersected with God’s faithfulness, and now you have a God story that’s a part of HIStory.
* When your faith intersects with God’s faithfulness your faith grows (Andy Stanley).
* It’s not just your own testimony, but others as well.
* Businesses use this all the time - it’s called MARKETING!
* The best marketing uses the power of story - both yours and others - to show how your product/service can solve a problem.
* NY Times said, “Marketing is the art of telling stories so well that people lose track of their wallets.”
* KEY - God wants all of us to have testimonies. But they’re voluntary. You have to act in faith - and faith is always a choice.

* Three truths about a testimony:
* They’re PRACTICAL - they are the result of a simple decision to trust God.
* They’re POWERFUL - they have the power to break chains in your life (Revelation 12:11).
* They’re PROVEN - all through Scripture we see it.
* But here’s the beauty of testimony - it’s not just for you, it’s for others.
* Backstory - The story of Naaman!
* Vs 1 - God’s favor was on Naaman to deal with the wicked king of Israel, but he had a problem (leprosy).
* God’s favor didn’t just give Naaman victory in battle, but it gave him a disease on his skin! Why?
* So Naaman could have a testimony - a God story that is now a part of HISstory.
* Vs 2 - A bad thing happened to this young girl - she didn’t choose this path.
* Imagine how her hope for a future was dashed to the ground.
* But she surrendered to her season …
* … and she became a blessing to those God put in her life.
* Vs 3 - She remembered the stories she had seen with her own eyes!
* She borrowed others’ testimonies (you can do that!).
* She saw Naaman as “her master” - this is key. She surrendered to the authority in her life and that cleared her memory!
* How did this turn out?
* Vs 14-15 - Naaman now had a testimony!
* Notice - both Naaman’s external (felt need) and his internal (true need) were met through the power of testimony!
* The best marketing touches the external and internal needs.
* A testimony doesn’t just solve your problem - it changes who you are!
* A testimony has three parts:
* 1) The thing that happened - this is the involuntary part.
* 2) How you respond to what happened - this is the voluntary part.
* You have to choose to place your faith in God.
* You can go through a hard time but not have faith and you won’t have a God story.
* Or, God did come through for you but you don’t give Him credit.
* 3) How you use it - to help yourself and others.
* You have to “remember” it, otherwise it loses its power (Men of Issachar vs Men of Ephraim).
* You have to share it - it’s called “word” of your testimony. Speak it to yourself - “remember that time …” and speak it to others - “I remember a time …”