
2 Kings 2:19-21 (6/2/16)


June 2, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• If the land would be healed then the spring that fed the land had to be purified - it needed salt.
• We are to be salt in our culture if we want to see our land healed.
• The aspects of SALT:
• 1) Sustains - put it on a steak and it preserves the steak.
• 2) Seasons - it brings out the natural flavors of what it’s applied to.
• 3) Startles - smelling salts wakes up the unconscious person.
• 4) Sanitizes - gargle with lukewarm salt water when you have a sore throat.
• 5) Stings - when it’s cleaning it burns.
• 6) Sacrifices - it gives its life for what it’s applied to.
• 7) Scatters - salt isn’t meant to be put into a pile.
• 8) Small - you never just use one crystal of salt - you need a lot of them.
• 9) Strengthens - hikers bring salt tablets to give them strength for a long journey.
• 10) Melts Slugs - put salt on a slug and watch what happens.