
1 Samuel 6:19 (4/26/18)


April 26, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* When these men looked upon holiness with an eye of curiosity they were killed.
* This is a good example for men today.
* God made a woman’s body holy.
* If we look upon her with an eye of curiosity fueled by lust it results in death.
* The only naked body a man should ever see is his wife’s.
* If we look upon her with an eye of surrender fueled by love it results in life.
* The question for men today is this - how do you respond when you see holiness in the form of a woman’s body?
* If you’re walking through the mall and it’s there in the window for you to see, do you look away (as Noah’s two sons did) or do you look toward?
* It’s all about protecting holiness.