
1 Samuel 1:24 (4/26/18)


April 26, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* The best thing a young entrepreneur can do is quantify how much is enough.
* You need a plan to:
* 1) Quantify your hours.
* When you get to a certain point financially will you use that money to buy your time back?
* At what point do you stop working 70 hours a week and cut it to 30?
* 2) Quantify your income.
* When you get to a certain point financially will you increase what you give in tithe?
* The goal is to get to a point where you give away more than you take home.
* Hannah shows us how to do this.
* It was her idea to give her son away after he was weaned.
* She got to keep him for a few years, but then she let him go.
* She didn’t keep holding on.
* This worked out for her with 500% ROI (1 Samuel 2:21).