
1 Samuel 9:3 (4/25/19)

Find The Donkeys

April 25, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Regardless of how Saul’s life turned out, the principles we see in his early life are powerful.
* His dad had a problem and sent him to do a menial task - find the donkeys.
* Saul did it, even though he could’ve easily complained or told his dad to send someone else.
* Walking in obedience to his dad put him in the way of his destiny.
* If Saul didn’t go he would’ve missed his fateful meeting with Samuel.
* He had no clue his life would change forever, but his faithfulness to obey paved the way for God blessing his future.
* vs 10:1 - would Saul have ever imagined his trip would end this way?
* vs 10:6 - the path to transformation is found in obedience.