
2 Kings 5:9-11 (6/1/17)


June 1, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality.
* Naaman didn’t expect to be told to dip in a muddy river to be made well.
* Because of this he went away angry and disappointed.
* It would be like opening a Coke only to spit it out when you taste Sprite.
* Sprite could be your most favorite drink, but if you’re expecting Coke it will taste awful.
* When Naaman died to his expectation he was able to receive healing.
* Often times our ambition leads our expectation.
* We play out scenarios in our heads of how things are going to work out.
* When they don’t we experience a drop in emotion that cause us to do dumb stuff.
* You have to die to your ambition first, then put your expectations to bed - then your emotions won’t spin out of control and you’ll allow God to work things out as He sees fit.