
Fit for Leadership

Three qualities of a leader

February 5, 2015 • Benham Brothers

Joshua led the army into battle and he fought valiently.
His reward? He became the personal apprentice of Moses.
Later he became the leader of the Israelites.
What fit Joshua to lead the Israelites?
1) He was faithful in his place of responsibility.
He followed Moses up the mountain, be faithful in his place of responsibility as an assistant.
In Exodus 33:11 he stood outside the tent, faithful in his post, while Moses was inside conversing with God.
He was in a posture of "waiting."
Authority then followed Joshua wherever he went because he was in his place of responsibility.
2) He had first-hand experience in the presence of God!
As Moses' assistant, he was able to go up the mountain with Moses when God told everyone else to stay back.
He got a chance to experience God's presence in a way nobody else did.
3) He was willing to go to war! He was a warrior. He didn't shy away from the battle.
We then see Joshua being only one of two people who gave a good report about taking the promised land.
When everyone else saw Giants too big to fight he saw Giants too big to miss.
Because of being in God's presence, he stood when others didn't and he fought when others couldn't (because the other spies died).
Notice who wasn't in the camp in Ex 32 when they made the golden calf - Joshua!
When he heard them celebrating he thought it was a war that had broke out - he was a warrior who was ready to fight.
How you see things reveals the nature that's inside you. What do you see?
If we are to engage in the battle we must:
1) Be faithful in our place of responsibility.
2) Remain in the presence of God.
3) Have a warrior spirit - just like a dad when his kid is threatened.
All of this equipped Joshua to lead.