
The Foundation for Civil Government

What God's command to Noah shows us about government

January 10, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* God had just given Noah instructions that he could eat animals, but he gave rules regarding it (don’t eat with the blood - vs 3-6).
* God gave him rules on personal government before civil government.
* One of the first blessings God gave to man was to involve him in the process of bringing life into the world.
* After God reset the world by the Flood, God involved man in the process of removing life from the world.
* Why?
* So that people would honor life (murder was rampant before the flood).
* Killing a human was a denial of the image of God and did violence to God Himself.
* How would they remove life?
* Through civil government.
* Government is made for the orderly conduct of man in a fallen world.
* It’s role is to punish those who do evil and praise those who do good (1 Peter 2:14).
* Why government? To protect life.
* God initiated government with a man who had a righteous heart (Proverbs 29:2).
* It was Noah’s responsibility to pass government down so everyone would know it’s role.
* Personal government is the foundation for civil government.
* Moses simply codified civil government.