
Marketplace Ministry

Lessons from Shamgar

April 22, 2021 • Benham Brothers

Judges 3:31 - Marketplace Ministry
* Our primary form of worship is work.
* This is why excellence in the workplace is so important.
* The workplace consists of both for-profit and nonprofit models.
* People call the for-profit space the “Marketplace.”
* They call the non-profit space the “Ministry.”
* This is wrong, but it is what it is.
* ** God often uses the marketplace as the training ground for His leaders.
* Look at Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David - all shepherds.
* Look at Elisha, Amos, Gideon - all farmers.
* Look at Joseph, Daniel, Obadiah - all employed by kings.
* Look at the disciples and Jesus Himself - all trained in the workplace.
* God uses the marketplace to winnow and wield strong men and women.
* The marketplace judges by ACTION, not INTENTION.
* ** So when it came time to find a leader for Israel, God tapped a farmer on the shoulder.
* Vs 31 - After Ehud, Shamgar used the tool of his business to fight God’s battles.
* He struck down 600 Philistines over time.
* His way of life included work, worship, and warfare! (Sword and Trowel - Nehemiah)
* The same thing happened years later when Israel was about to go into battle.
* Joel 3:10 - "turn your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears"  
* The tools of their sustainability would now be used as weapons for their deliverance.  
* 100 years later……in a time of peace:
* Micah 4:3 - "turn your swords into plowshares and your spears into pruning hooks"  
* The weapons of their deliverance would now be used as tools for their sustainability. 
* This is why your work is so important. God has made it to be your primary form of worship.
* Judges 6:11 - God shows up when you do common work in an uncommon way.
* Judges 6:12 - Your work prepares you for warfare.
* EX: Love Life.