
The Foundation for Civil Government

What God's command to Noah shows us about government

January 10, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* God had just given Noah instructions that he could eat animals, but he gave rules regarding it (don’t eat with the blood - vs 3-6).
* God gave him rules on personal government before civil government.
* One of the first blessings God gave to man was to involve him in the process of bringing life into the world.
* After God reset the world by the Flood, God involved man in the process of removing life from the world.
* Why?
* So that people would honor life (murder was rampant before the flood).
* Killing a human was a denial of the image of God and did violence to God Himself.
* How would they remove life?
* Through civil government.
* Government is made for the orderly conduct of man in a fallen world.
* It’s role is to punish those who do evil and praise those who do good (1 Peter 2:14).
* Why government? To protect life.
* God initiated government with a man who had a righteous heart (Proverbs 29:2).
* It was Noah’s responsibility to pass government down so everyone would know it’s role.
* Personal government is the foundation for civil government.
* Moses simply codified civil government.

Marketplace Ministry

April 22, 2021 • Benham Brothers

Judges 3:31 - Marketplace Ministry * Our primary form of worship is work. * This is why excellence in the workplace is so important. * The workplace consists of both for-profit and nonprofit models. * People call the for-profit space the “Marketplace.” * They call the non-profit space the “Ministry.” * This is wrong, but it is what it is. * ** God often uses the marketplace as the training ground for His leaders. * Look at Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David - all shepherds. * Look at Elisha, Amos, Gideon - all farmers. * Look at Joseph, Daniel, Obadiah - all employed by kings. * Look at the disciples and Jesus Himself - all trained in the workplace. * God uses the marketplace to winnow and wield strong men and women. * The marketplace judges by ACTION, not INTENTION. * ** So when it came time to find a leader for Israel, God tapped a farmer on the shoulder. * Vs 31 - After Ehud, Shamgar used the tool of his business to fight God’s battles. * He struck down 600 Philistines over time. * His way of life included work, worship, and warfare! (Sword and Trowel - Nehemiah) * The same thing happened years later when Israel was about to go into battle. * Joel 3:10 - "turn your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears"   * The tools of their sustainability would now be used as weapons for their deliverance.   * 100 years later……in a time of peace: * Micah 4:3 - "turn your swords into plowshares and your spears into pruning hooks"   * The weapons of their deliverance would now be used as tools for their sustainability.  * This is why your work is so important. God has made it to be your primary form of worship. * Judges 6:11 - God shows up when you do common work in an uncommon way. * Judges 6:12 - Your work prepares you for warfare. * EX: Love Life.

Government Gone Bad

August 16, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* This verse shows the importance of good government. * A hardworking productive person can have their stuff taken away by a bad government. * The role of government is to praise the good and punish the wicked. * They do this so that we can have an environment that allows us to flourish. * As Christians we need to concern ourselves with discipling nations, not just people. * This means we have to be involved in shaping our environment so people can flourish. * Example - if you started a business in America you can make a lot of money. * But if you started the same business in North Korea there’s no chance.

God the Governor

January 7, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• God forms and fills everything for man to govern the world we live in. • The world needed order first - then we could have dominion. • LIGHT has to come first - this is God’s presence. • Light did two things: • 1) SEPARATION - Holy means “set apart” - like a chocolate chip. • 2) GOVERN - the sun, moon, and stars are used to govern. • vs 22 - The first blessing - taking part in creation. • vs 28 - The difference in this blessing is that we have the authority to govern.