
1 Samuel 3:18 (7/12/23)

Approach With Boldness

July 12, 2023 • Benham Brothers • 1 Samuel 3:18

God wants us to boldly approach the throne of grace (Hebrews 4;16). 

“Approach with confidence” - knowing that God “wants” to bless you. 

He’s a good Father. 

Backstory - we see two different approaches to this in Scripture. 

In 2 Kings 20 God showed up to Hezekiah and told him he would die. 

Hezekiah cried out to the Lord for more time. 

He passionately made his appeal. 

God answered that prayer by granting him 15 more years. 

In 1 Samuel 3 God had a message for Eli. 

He had been a bad priest and dad, so his priesthood would be removed.

How would he receive the news? 

Samuel delivered the message. 

Vs 18 - “So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. Then Eli said, “He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.” 

Eli passively received this news. 

God didn’t answer Eli’s prayer because Eli didn’t make an appeal. 

Eli was ok with God’s punishment, but he made no attempt to humble himself and rebuke his boys and make a request to God for mercy. 

I believe it’s because Eli was a lazy man. 

David, on the other hand, was not lazy. 

He was a big sinner, but he was also a big repenter.

EX: David in 2 Samuel 12 cried out for his kid to live (he didn’t get it). 

God wants us to pray! 

He wants us to ask.

Here’s the key - when you make your request, surrender to God’s will. 

Whether God grants your request or not, be ok with what God does. 

This is how we can be confident. 

Make your request. And be ok with the answer. 

You can stand confident that your Good Father will do what’s best.