
Mark 14:50 (10/9/24)

Embrace The Struggle

October 9, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Mark 14:48–50

* Growing as a believer involves suffering. 

  * Strength always comes through strain - it’s a principle of life. 

  * More is accomplished in the pain cave than the comfort zone! 

  * You can’t drink grapes - they have to be crushed. 

  * God is making us “poured out wine” to nourish others. 

* Jesus shows us how to deal with the struggles. 

* He give us two keys that will help us through difficult times. 

  * The night He was betrayed, a small army came out to get Him. 

  * Look how He responds: 

  * vs 48-50 - “And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled. Then they all deserted Him and fled.”

* KEY #1 - PIVOT. 

  * He voiced His complaint - “What are you doing w/all these weapons? This is dumb.” 

  * But then He pivoted to God’s plan - “But it’s God’s will, so be it.” 

  * David in the Psalms did the same thing - he always voiced his complaint then pivoted to God. 

  * This is a powerful mindset shift to help us sit in the pain cave - pivot to God’s plan over our plan. 


  * vs 50 - “Then they all deserted Him and fled.” 

  * All of Christ’s friends deserted Him. 

  * One way we face difficulty is by knowing who we could be. 

  * I used to write this verse on my baseball gloves when I played ball. 

  * I wanted it to be a reminder that I'm no worse in possibility than all of these guys were in reality. 

  * I could be a deserter just as much as they were. 

  * But I have to rely on God's almighty power to keep me from deserting. 

    * This changed my perspective on the importance of baseball in my life. 

* When you think like this, going through struggles isn’t as big of a deal because you know you deserve far worse!