
Lamentations 3:24-29 (10/30/14)


October 30, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Jeremiah had just uttered a crazy lament talking about all the suffering he's personally going thru, then He immediately speaks about how ossum God is. That's perspective.

We've all heard the verse about waiting upon the Lord and He will renew our strength.
Two aspects of waiting:
1) State of waiting - patiently looking and listening for the Lord.
2) Service of waiting - serving God like a waiter at a restaurant.
Jeremiah now brings this to a new level when he mentioned that he would wait on God because God was his portion.
Picture this - sitting at a table where you're starving - spaghetti is being served.
You choose to pass on eating it because you're waiting on a steak that you were promised.
You say no to the grumblings of your stomach because you know you have something better in store if you simply wait.
You will wait when you have hope - No hope = No wait.
The best time to learn to wait on the Lord is when you're young.
When you go through trials when you're young it prepares you for when you're old.
Where can young people find hope? Verse 29 - when they're face is on the dust of the ground (at the bottom!).
It's when God gets you to the bottom of yourself that you then find the hope of salvation, just like Peter.
Two questions we have to ask ourselves:
1) Is God our portion?
2) Am I willing to wait for Him?