
Lamentations 2:14 (10/29/15)

Expose & Restore

October 29, 2015 • Benham Brothers

• Paul talked about how Titus and Timothy were to use the Scripture - to teach, train, reprove (expose), rebuke (forbid), exhort (make courageous).
• He then said “you have many teachers, but few fathers.”
• A father not only teaches and trains but exposes and forbids.
• God tells Jeremiah that the spiritual leaders of his day are not exposing their sin so as to restore them.
• We gather two things from this:
• 1) We must expose sin. How? By being the light.
• How we live & Words we speak.
• 2) We need to have hearts of restoration.
• A dad always wants a good relationship with his kids.
• Focus must be on the Person of God, not anything else.
• If we focus on anything else then we operate strategically and not spiritually.