
2 Kings 8:15 (6/9/16)


June 9, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Consider two people God said would become king - David and Hazael.
• David went right back to tending sheep, being faithful in the little right where God placed him.
• Even when he was fleeing from Saul he twice refused to kill him when he could have.
• He lived a life of principle, not pragmatism.
• God’s promises always require a period of waiting where He makes us into the people who can handle the call.
• Consider Hazael - he took matters into his own hands after Elisha said he would become king.
• Ambition jumped out of the passenger seat and into the driver’s seat.
• He began to operate by pragmatism and not principle.
• We are either going to die to our ambition or be blinded by it.
• We need to be willing to wait for God to bring about what He’s called us to.