
2 Samuel 7:3-5 (5/12/16)

Following God

May 12, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• How do you know when you should do something?
• Psalms 37:4 - When we delight ourselves in the Lord His desires become our desires.
• So we can trust that what we're wanting to do we can do.
• David's idea of building a house was born out of his delight of God.
• David’s heart was to HONOR God - he was never commanded to build a temple.
• HOWEVER, on the path of doing the thing we must be listening for God's voice.
• He may check us and pivot us another direction.
• This is what it means to die to your dream (2 Samuel 15:25-26 - David says to leave the ark in Jerusalem and if God wants to bring him back then He would).