
2 Kings 4:44 (6/24/21)

Five Steps to Multiplication

June 24, 2021 • Benham Brothers

* What you have is multiplied in the giving of it away.
* Multiplication is “addition that is done repeatedly.”
* God wants us to add to our numbers and repeat it a lot!
* One of the first commands in the Garden was to “be fruitful & multiply!”
* To be fruitful is to be “productive.”
* Fruitful activity adds to what’s already there, producing more of something.
* A fruitful couple = kids. A fruitful business = money. A fruitful God follower = disciples.
* The secret to fruitful is faithful.
* When you’re faithful with what God has give you it will multiply.
* Start with your raw material. How do you know what your raw material is?
* Talents (you’re born with it), Skills (you’ve learned how to do it), and Experience (you've been through it).
* To find your talent, finish these statements:
* “I’ve always been good at …”
* “I’ve always wanted to …”
* “I’ve always felt like I would …”
* “It’s always been natural for me to …”
* Take your raw material, turn it into something that can be given away (invested).
* Vs 42a - it was a time of famine, and a faithful farmer brought his first-fruits.
* He brought bread (not seed) - he turned his raw material into something that would bless the priests.
* What if he kept them back for himself? No miracle.
* Vs 42b - Elisha saw himself as a conduit for blessing.
* Vs 43a - You can’t have faith apart from a problem (impossibility).
* Vs 43b-44 - Faithfulness multiplies what we have.
* They ate and “had some left over” - with God there’s always MORE than enough!
* This was the backdrop for Jesus feeding the 5,000.
* Matthew 25:14-15 - God has given all of us gifts (raw material).
* Vs 16-18 - Two guys multiplied, one guy didn’t. They were willing to RISK.
* To give is often “to invest.”
* Vs 19-23 - faithful = multiplied.
* Vs 24-25 - fear causes you to bury the gift God has given you.
* Treasure buried can't be spent.
* You’re not supposed to give back to God what He gives you - You’re supposed “be fruitful and multiply!”
* Vs 26a - you can be a servant but wicked and lazy if you’re not multiplying!!
* Vs 26b-30 - punishment awaits those who do not multiply!
* How do you multiply?
* Five Steps to Multiplication:
* 1) Recognize what you have as a gift from God (talent & skill).
* 2) Work the gift! (Hone it to make it presentable).
* 3) Put the gift to work! (Use the gift to bless others).
* 4) Expect a reward for using your gift. (What you have will be multiplied and who you’ve helped will be multiplied).
* 5) Go back to step one.