
2 Samuel 6 & 7 (5/8/13)


May 8, 2013 • Benham Brothers

Cover the story of David
Faithful tending sheep
When annointed he went right back to his place
He was filled with the spirit and grew in it so that people recognized God's favor
He was faithful in the little and God made him faithful in much (he killed lions and bears so he killed Goliath)
He didn't try to kill Saul - he let God bring about the victory
2 Samuel 6:3-6 - A Good Thing in a Bad Way
David was now king, first act of biz was to bring the ark into the city thus proving God was truly king
He put the ark on a cart - bad move - it was only supposed to go on poles
Uzzah dies - only priests are to touch the ark
If you don't do God's thing God's way you won't have God's result
2 Samuel 7:1-16 - My House, Your House
David had it in his heart to build God a house, a Temple
God had never commanded this like he did for the Tabernacle
He wasn't just "obeying," he was "honoring" - this was how he was a man after God's heart
THEREFORE, because he wanted to build God's House God built His House!