
1 Samuel 4 & 7 (4/24/15)

Two Different Battles

April 24, 2015 • Benham Brothers

1 Sam 4 - the Israelites went out in the own ambition to throw off the yoke of the Philistines.
They didn't ask God and they didn't lead with repentance.
They saw God's ark as a good luck charm.
They were more devoted to God's symbol than His actual presence.
A right thing done in a wrong way is wrong.
1 Sam 7 - Samuel encouraged them to do three things:
1) Return to the Lord.
2) Remove false gods.
3) Serve God alone.
This time the Philistines came against them.
When we seek to live for God the enemy will come and attack.
All we have to do is keep our eyes on Jesus and not let our worldly ambition take the lead.