
1 Samuel 2:29 (5/8/14)

You're Fat!

May 8, 2014 • Benham Brothers

Eli's sons were bad - they were very irreverant toward God and indulgent toward their appetites.
Eli did not punish them nor raise them with the proper discipline.
Why? Because Eli indulged his appetite too - he couldn't stop eating!
How did God respond? He called Eli FAT! Oh Snap!!!
It's as if God said, "You've not only indulged your own appetite but you've taught your sons to do the same!"
What parents do in moderation kids will do in excess.
Eli indulged in food and his sons indulged in women.
Eli rebuked his own sons in the same way he rebuked his own appeite - gently.
The appetite test - "how often to you give in to your craving for anything?"