
Luke 3:18-20 (10/23/24)

Speak Up

October 23, 2024 • Benham Brothers • Luke 3:18–20

- We know that all Scripture is used for teaching, training, exhorting, correcting, reproving, and rebuking (2 Timothy).  

- We see a real live picture of what this looked like by John the Baptist.  

- In these verses, we see John exhorting and teaching the crowds, but when the civil leader of his day took his own brother's wife, John reproved him for it.  

- Quick side note - why would John get into the political scene?  

- Because John knew that there's no division between the sacred and secular. 

- If a leader of people is doing something that is a sin against God, he must be reproved for it.  

- vs 18 - “And with many other words John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them.” 

- This is the fun part - training and exhorting! 

- John proclaimed the “good news” - what news is that? 

- It’s not just salvation - that is a part of it. 

- The good news is that God's kingdom has come into the world and overthrown Satan's kingdom. 

- And as God's followers, we can participate in that kingdom. 

- That's the gospel - the full gospel. 

- But Good news doesn't discard reality. 

- John wasn't going to duck and dodge this fact because he didn't want to hurt peoples' feelings.

- Watch what John does: 

- vs 19-20 - “But when John rebuked Herod the tetrarch because of his marriage to Herodias, his brother’s wife, and all the other evil things he had done, 20 Herod added this to them all: He locked John up in prison.”

- We love to teach, train, and exhort with the Scripture, but we're not fans of reproof, rebuke, and correction.  

- We fear those things - we want approval too bad. 

- But John didn’t, and it got him in BIG trouble.  

- We should heed John's example and use the Scripture for "everything" it was intended to be used for, not just for half it's purpose.  

- This means we have to be willing to stand against the evils of culture when the fight comes our way.  

- The AMP version says John (repeatedly) told Herod about his fault.  

- This wasn’t a one-time reproof. John kept reminding him.  

- Why couldn't John have just kept quiet about Herod's adulterous relationship? 

- He could have protected his platform if he did. 

- MLK said, “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or servant of the State. Rather, it is the conscience of the State.” 

- John was the conscience for Herod - he spoke truth to power. 

- Christian leaders must remind ruling authorities in our nation when they have overstepped and broken God’s law.  

- If God's kingdom truly reigns supreme, then we can't keep quiet when His law is trampled on.

- EX: How would you respond if someone maligned your spouse? 

- If John had kept quiet, he would have stayed out of jail, but he would have forfeited the power of the Holy Spirit, which only dwells in the heart of a believer willing to follow Jesus and speak His Truth boldly, whatever the cost.