
Jesus Our Love

Week 4

December 17, 2023 • Cody Andras • John 1

I’m immediately struck by the consistency of the disciples’ responses to meeting Jesus in John 1: they wanted to be near Him. They encountered a stranger and recognized His worth. They desired His presence. In John 1:37-38, two disciples began following Jesus, and He turned to them and asked, “What are you looking for?” They responded that they were looking for where He was staying. They sought to remain near this long-awaited One.

“‘Come, and you’ll see,’ [Jesus] replied” (John 1:39, CSB).

It happened again and again. Andrew. Peter. Philip. Nathanael. They saw Jesus and longed to be near to Him. In perhaps the most shocking twist, the Son of God welcomed them into His presence, invited them to walk with Him, and delighted to dwell with them. The very presence of Immanuel, ”God with us,” declares God’s love for us. He desires our nearness as we long for His.

“For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, CSB).

The God of all creation sent His Son to die so that we might come to Him and live.


- Think of someone you love. How do you feel about spending time with and being around that person?

- In John 17:3, Jesus defines eternal life: “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent – Jesus Christ.” How does this expand your understanding of the familiar words of John 3:16 and confirm God’s love for you?

- It’s really easy to believe that God tolerates us out of some sense of obligation. How does the idea that Immanuel (God with us) desires to be near you change your understanding of His love for you?


Lord, may we catch sight of You like those early disciples caught sight of You, in a way that stirs in us a longing to be near You. May we worship You this Christmas as people who glimpse Your glory and sit in wonder that You have called us Your own. May we know the depths of Your love for us, and may we love You in return.

Written by Cody Andras