
Jesus Our Peace

Week 3

December 10, 2023 • AK Kuruvilla • Luke 2:1–21

When I was young, I asked my dad, “Why is there no peace in the world?” He answered, “Well, you are struggling to have peace with your brother, your only sibling. How can you expect to have peace in the world with so many people?” That was a good illustration of the problem with peace.

Peace is the result of relational wholeness between people. Isaiah 32:17 says, “The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.” And what is righteousness? Righteousness is being right in God’s sight or from God’s perspective.

When we read about the announcement of Jesus’ birth, we are told that the angels announced to the shepherds in Luke 2:14, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” The birth of Jesus made it possible for us to be righteous in God’s sight because He lived and died to pay the price of our sin. Relational wholeness with God (peace with God) allows us to pursue relational wholeness with people (peace with people). When we seek righteousness in our lives, it produces the fruit of peace. Seek righteous living to enjoy peace!


- Think about a situation where there is a lack of peace in your life. Analyze the situation to determine what it is that eliminates peace. Do they line up with a life that seeks to follow God in obedience?

- If the lack of peace is caused by less-than-righteous thinking or action, as a first step, do you trust Christ for the forgiveness of your sins so that God sees you as righteous based on the sacrifice of Christ on the cross?

- If you are a child of God, what would you do to set yourself on the right trajectory toward righteous living to experience peace with the people around you?


Gracious God, thank you for sending your Son to be born on this earth so I might have peace with you. As I reflect on His birth this Christmas, please incline my heart towards you so that I might seek righteousness and enjoy the fruit of righteousness, which is peace.

Written by AK Kuruvilla