

Father Forgive

April 2, 2023 • Kevin Barra • Luke 23:34

"And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' And they cast lots to divide his garments"

Luke 23:34

Two words describe God as Father, “pater” and “abba.” Used together God is described with authority and intimacy, power and proximity. Jesus pleads with His daddy, “Abba,” (Mark 14.36) to provide another way than the cross. Jesus pleads with His Father, “pater,” (Luke 23.34) to forgive.

Why ask this? Did they know what they were doing? The Roman Soldiers knew exactly what they were doing as professional executioners. Criminals facing Roman capital punishment followed the same process. Soldiers would divide the criminal’s clothing and sell it for personal profit. 


What did they not know? They were killing God. They were ignorant, like we are today. They drove the nails, but we all provide the reason they were driven. My sin makes me blind. Sin closes my eyes, my heart, and my mind so that I do things that destroy the beauty God made and ignore the consequences of my actions. 

Into that abyss of blindness, Jesus asks forgiveness. We stare amazed when those who are wronged deeply forgive fully. Corrie Ten Boom forgave the guard who killed her sister. Immaculee Ilibagiza forgave the man who killed her family. What fueled forgiveness? Received forgiveness through Jesus Christ. 


Jesus, please help me understand the depth of your forgiveness towards me. Please empower me to forgive those who have hurt me deeply. Amen.

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