

It Is Finished

April 7, 2023 • Cole Ellerbrock • John 19:30

"When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, 'It is finished,' and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit"

John 19:30

While Jesus was on the cross, those witnessing had a variety of perspectives on the Son of God. Some viewed Him as innocent, some as a blasphemer or a criminal, and some as Messiah. Yet, no matter what others perceived, Jesus knew exactly who He was and what He was accomplishing on this Good Friday. Today is a day of both sorrow and hope. Lamentation that the Innocent One has been killed. Yet, there is great hope in His willing sacrifice.

With Jesus’ final breaths, He triumphantly cries, “Tetelestai!” The same word that, in the ancient world, creditors would write on certificates of debt when it was fully paid off. “Debt paid in full!” was now being yelled by the Savior on your behalf. The will of the Father was now fulfilled, redemption accomplished, and the sacrifice completed. 

As you reflect on the cross, you can know you are fully forgiven and free, no matter how long your receipt of debt may be. Nothing you have done or will do can ever take the stamp of “Tetelestai” away. The hymn writer said it beautifully, “Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free; For God, the Just, is satisfied to look on Him and pardon me.” 


Jesus, thank you that once and for all, I have been reconciled to You. Nothing else is needed. Help me to rejoice and rest in Your finished work. Amen.

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