
Jesus Our Hope

Week 1

November 26, 2023 • Mackenzie David • Luke 1

In the 400 years leading up to Jesus’ birth, God was silent. He didn’t raise up any new prophets, and there was nothing new to report from Heaven. He had given them all the information: that He would one day send a Messiah to rescue God’s people and reconcile them back to God forever. But year after year, they waited for the promise to be fulfilled, until one day, an angel told Mary she would carry the Son of God, Jesus.

Since Elizabeth and Zechariah got married, they hoped for a child. As the years passed, this proved out of reach and impossible for them; until one day, an angel appeared to Zechariah as he was giving the yearly offering for the Israelites. The angel told Zechariah that his hope of having a son would be fulfilled. But in his disbelief, he was silenced, until his son, John, was born.

In uncertainties and impossible situations, hope can feel risky. I’ve heard it said before that faith says, “Is it possible?” but hope says, “Is it possible for me?” As time passes, the silence somehow grows louder and uncomfortable, giving room for doubt and fear to creep in. But what if the silence is meant to grow and encourage our hope?


- What are the things in your life that feel too risky to hope for?

- Can you think of a time when God felt silent as you hoped for something? Can you think of a time when you felt silent as you hoped for something?

- Finish today by writing out Luke 1:37 below. If this verse doesn’t feel true to you, spend some time praying throughout the week, asking God to increase your faith in Him and remind you, He is a capable God.


Thank you for this season of remembering how you fulfilled the greatest hope of all through the birth of your Son, Jesus. God, when we find ourselves hoping in the silence, would we remember your faithfulness that you have displayed and believe that it is possible for us, too? During this season of Advent, may we continue to choose the risk of hope to find ourselves surprised by your provision and kindness.

Written by Mackenzie David