
Be Ye Ready by Minister Chequita Walker

Matthew 25:1-13

November 16, 2024 • Chequita Walker • Matthew 25:1–13

As we look around at the current state of the world that we live in, we see a lot of social tension and political unrest. What’s happening all around us is strategic. Tactics are being used as tools of manipulation to distract the masses from the reality of what is to come. These tactics are meant to distort the perceptions and the minds of those who are deceived into focusing on this world and the things that can be seen.

During the time that Yeshua walked the earth, there was also a lot of social tension and political unrest. However, He didn’t allow the cares and the affairs of the world around Him, and what He would ultimately face, stop Him from doing the will of the Father. This included preparing His Disciples to “be ye ready”.