In Leviticus 19, YeHoVaH gave Moses several Instructions, on a variety of topics, to speak to the Children of Israel concerning how they were to conduct themselves in the Land of Israel and wherever they were. The Laws they were given were for His Holy, set apart people to live Holy unto YeHoVaH!
Join us as we discuss the various Laws and their application in our lives today.
In preparation for the study of Laws for Holy Living, please read Leviticus 19:19-37.
Laws for Holy Living Pt. 2
Leviticus 19:19-37
October 20, 2022 • Arthur Bailey • Leviticus 19:19–32
Vows, Values and Redemption
January 19, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Leviticus 27
Vows were not commanded by the Law of YeHoVaH, but were made by individuals who wanted to do something over and beyond what was required by YeHoVaH in exchange for something. Typically, vows were made to dedicate or devote someone or something of value to the service of YeHoVaH. In this final chapter of Leviticus, YeHoVaH gives Instructions for the vow being made, the value of the person or the thing that is vowed, and the process for redeeming that which had been vowed. In preparation for the study of Vows, Values and Redemption, please read Leviticus 27:1-34.
Curses for Disobeying the Law Pt 2
January 12, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Leviticus 26:14–46
The Law of YeHoVaH is inclusive of blessings and curses, life and death. Those who obey YeHoVaH’s Law experience the life of YeHoVaH and the benefits, blessings, and privileges thereof. Disobeying the Law of YeHoVaH produces death and the curses associated with disobedience. In the second portion of Leviticus 26, YeHoVaH instructs Moses to warn the Children of Israel, and those who joined themselves to the Commonwealth of Israel, of what they had to look forward to if they rejected His Law or failed to carry out all His Commands and violated His Covenant. In preparation for the study, Curses for Disobeying the Law Pt 2, please read Leviticus 26:14-46.
Curses for Disobeying the Law Pt 1
January 5, 2023 • Arthur Bailey • Leviticus 26:14–46
The Law of YeHoVaH is inclusive of blessings and curses, life and death. Those who obey YeHoVaH’s Law experience the life of YeHoVaH and the benefits, blessings, and privileges thereof. Disobeying the Law of YeHoVaH produces death and the curses associated with disobedience. In the second portion of Leviticus 26, YeHoVaH instructs Moses to warn the Children of Israel, and those who joined themselves to the Commonwealth of Israel, of what they had to look forward to if they rejected His Law or failed to carry out all His Commands and violated His Covenant. In preparation for the study, Curses for Disobeying the Law Pt 1, please read Leviticus 26:14-46.