
Who Is God?

Search God

Kyle Butt

The one and only God is the God of the Bible. He is Spirit--a conscious mind. He is the Ultimate Mind that created all other minds. The human mind was created in His image. God desires to form a connection with the thinking human minds He created. In fact, He loves them.

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The Cyrus Cylinder

Kyle Butt

In 1879, a small clay cylinder was found in the ancient city of Babylon. On this cylinder was an inscription about Cyrus, king of the Medo-Persian Empire, and his victory over Babylon. Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the importance of this cylinder and how it confirms the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible.

Search Bible Archaeology: Gallio Inscription

Kyle Butt

The writer, Luke, recorded many historical details in his writings. Some details, such as the names and positions of government authorities, help us date biblical events and prove the accuracy of the Bible. Gallio, the proconsul mentioned in Acts 18:12, is one example. Join Kyle Butt as he presents extra-biblical evidence that testifies to the Bible’s validity.

Is There a God?

Kyle Butt

The physical Universe is a massive effect that must have an adequate cause. The presence of physical laws as well as human morality are evidence of a Creator Who designed the material realm and we humans who reside within it.