
It's Time - Cape Town

24th March 2018

Angus Buchan

Saturday (March 24, 2018) was an extraordinary day as possibly the biggest crowd ever seen at an event in Cape Town gathered to pray on an open space in Mitchells Plain. The peace of God was tangible at the Swartklip Sports Ground prayer venue and on the surrounding streets which are notorious for gang violence and where people had predicted there would be trouble as there had been at other events at the same venue. And, in one of many signs of God’s goodness and favour on the day, soft rain began to fall as the crowd began to worship — to be followed by several more gentle showers that were appreciated in the drought-stricken area. But the most extraordinary scene of all began when farmer evangelist Angus Buchan, who led the prayer time, called on gang leaders present to come to the front to “exchange that gun for a Bible”. There was a nervous hush as Buchan repeated the unusual altar call after leading the crowd estimated at more than 150 000 in a prayer of salvation. As the worship team sang Buchan continued to urge gang leaders to come forward. At last one man came forward — then another — and another — until about a dozen men, and two older women — one a Christian worker and the other a mother of one of the men — stood in front of the platform. Descending from the platform to stand with the gang leaders, Buchan said he was going to do what God had showed him in a dream. He said the Lord had impressed on him that the gang leaders were leaders — they were just going in the wrong direction — and that He wanted to use them in His kingdom.